Workshops and Awareness


The Northern Technical University has established a joint scientific collaboration agreement with Al Bayan University.

The Northern Technical University has established a joint scientific collaboration agreement with Al Bayan University. Considering that our Northern Technical University is experiencing expansions and advancements […]

The Institute organizes an applied workshop entitled (applying the standards of Iraqi institutional accreditation role Institute as a model)

The Institute organizes an applied workshop The Institute organizes an applied workshop entitled (application of Iraqi institutional accreditation standards role Institute as a model). According to […]

The President of the Northern Iraqi Technical University honored the participants of the training workshop on the Iraqi Foundation Building Standards.

The President of the Northern Iraqi Technical University honored the participants of the training workshop on the Iraqi Foundation Building Standards. who are Dr. Samir Al_Khateeb […]

Stencil Foundation Delivers Workshop on Engineering Design

Department of Civil Techniques, incorporation with Employment and Rehabilitation Unit of Mosul Technical Institute, hosted Stencil, a foundation for engineering design. The workshop was delivered by Mariam Fawaz and Gufran Duraid, who graduated from Department of […]