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2024-07-09Atatürk University president visits Northern Technical University to Open Horizons for Academic and Research Cooperation.
Atatürk University president visits Northern Technical University to Open Horizons for Academic and Research Cooperation.
On July 2, 2024, Dr. Ömer Çomüloğlu, the President of Atatürk University in Turkey, along with his accompanying delegation at the NTU in an important visit aimed at strengthening academic and research relations between the two universities to set the foundation of future cooperation mechanisms. He was received by Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the esteemed President of the University, and Dr. Omar Rafia Mahmoud, the esteemed Assistant President for Academic Affairs, along with many department directors.
The visit began with an introductory tour to the university campus, showcasing the modern facilities and advanced infrastructure that the university has developed since the reconstruction following the liberation of Mosul. The tour also included visits to the new practical workshops, sustainable environment centers, and innovation and research centers.
Dr. Çomüloğlu expressed his great admiration for the progress achieved by the university in a short period. The visit included extensive discussion sessions between the two university delegations, where potential avenues for academic and research cooperation were discussed. A preliminary agreement was reached that includes the following points:
Academic Exchange Programs:
– Exchange of faculty members between the two universities to enhance educational expertise and knowledge sharing.
– Exchange of students within joint educational and research programs, enriching students’ academic and cultural experiences.
Joint Workshops:
– Organization of joint workshops and training programs in specialized fields such as biotechnology, engineering, and environmental sciences, and hosting experts from both universities to deliver interactive scientific lectures and seminars.
Skill Development:
– Implementation of international training programs aimed at developing the skills of professors and students in various academic disciplines and supporting scientific research through joint research projects focused on local and international challenges.
Constructional Change and Sustainable Development:
– The Turkish delegation was briefed on the major construction projects carried out by the university after the liberation of Mosul. Many university buildings were rebuilt and upgraded, including the establishment of advanced research centers focusing on innovation and sustainability.
Achievements included:
– Sustainable Environment Centers: These centers work on developing sustainable environmental solutions for local challenges, such as natural resource management and renewable energy, and focus on afforestation projects and appropriate environmental solutions.
– Innovation and Research Centers: These centers provide an ideal environment for scientific research and innovation, allowing researchers to develop their projects and ideas with the support of advanced facilities and modern technologies.
Statements and Recommendations:
At the conclusion of the visit, Dr. Çomüloğlu expressed his happiness with the fruitful cooperation between the two universities and praised the efforts made to achieve academic and urban development. He said, “We are excited about this partnership that will open new horizons for education and research and contribute to building a better future for students and academics in both universities.” The parties signed a letter of intent outlining their desire to work together after completing the legal and formal approvals in both countries to begin work. They also recommended forming joint committees to follow up on the implementation of the cooperation clauses and work towards achieving common goals. They emphasized the importance of continuing dialogue and communication to enhance academic and research relations.
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.1
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.2
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.3
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.4
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.5
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.6
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.7
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.8
- رئيس جامعة أتاتورك التركية يزور جامعتنا التقنية الشماليةلفتح آفاق التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي.9