The Technical Institute organizes a course on the introductory guide to institutional accreditation standards.
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Postgraduate admission results – Agricultural Technical College
The Technical Institute organizes a course on the introductory guide to institutional accreditation standards.
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Postgraduate admission results – Agricultural Technical College
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Al-Huwayjah Technical Institute organized an awareness seminar on (The role of educational institutions in combating drugs).

Al-Huwayjah Technical Institute organized an awareness seminar on (The role of educational institutions in combating drugs).

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Omar Khalil Ahmed, Dean of the Institute.

The Women’s Affairs Unit, the Legal Division, the Media and Government Communication Division, and the Student Activities Division, in coordination with the Community Police in Al-Huwayjah District, organized an awareness seminar on (The role of educational institutions in combating drugs).
The seminar was attended by:-
– Dr. Raad Hamza Awad
– ⁠Dr. Luqman Ali Hussein
– Legal Lieutenant Ghanem Ibrahim Ali (Community Police)
– Elaf Khalaf Muhammad
A number of members and students of the institute attended

The seminar dealt with:-
– The negative effects of drugs on building society, public health and the economic system of the state in general and the extent to which the social system can be exposed to great harm due to the spread of the phenomenon of addiction
– ⁠Legal treatments for the scourge of addiction through criminal penalties, financial fines and placement in health centers
– ⁠The vital role that a person can play in reducing the phenomenon of drug addiction and staying away from this phenomenon through awareness and fortifying the family with the need to stay away from manifestations of addiction and everything that may lead to that

The seminar showed:-

The phenomenon of addiction is a negative phenomenon that has major effects on society in general and its family, health and economic structure, which requires concerted efforts to combat it and eliminate it in society through awareness campaigns and legal procedures capable of deterring and eliminating this scourge

And it aimed The seminar: –
Raising awareness of the negative effects on society, especially the youth, as they are the most targeted group by the parties promoting this phenomenon, and the necessity of defining the harms of this negative phenomenon for the youth so that they are aware of the harms of drug addiction and then stay away from it and not be carried away by this scourge and then bear the serious legal consequences that result from the drug dealer and user.

The seminar came out with the following recommendations: –
– Activating the role of various community bodies and institutions at various levels in raising awareness of the harms of addiction and drug abuse at the health, community and economic levels and dismantling the family structure in society.
– ⁠Defining the means of treating the phenomenon of addiction at the level of health and psychological treatment and defining the legal procedures that must be taken in this regard.
– ⁠Activating the role of security institutions in order to eliminate this phenomenon and prevent it by combating its promoters and preventing its entry into the country and activating the intelligence role in pursuing its promoters.
– ⁠Focusing on the leading role of women in combating the phenomenon of addiction by fortifying the family against this scourge And defining its negative effects and the necessity of staying away from it. – Holding seminars and scientific workshops to define the negative effects of the phenomenon of drug addiction and ways to prevent it in various institutions, including educational institutions, on a regular basis.

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