Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements 1598847047
Diploma is obtained in the field of mechanics technology after passing the theoretical and practical tests according to the number of units and weekly hours. The student must succeed in the stages (first and second stages) during a period of two years. The results of the final examinations of the students shall be received by the examination committee in the department. The minimum limits of success shall be 50%. The student must complete the summer training period in one of the government agencies according to the specialization for a period of (60) days during the summer holiday in the first stage and be evaluated by the summer training committee through periodic visits and a surprise evaluation form to be filled by the trained body. Also, there is a requirement to succeed and then get a diploma certificate, the student must submit on the second stage a research project in his major followed up by a supervisor and it is conducted at the end of the year, as the duration of the preparation of the research and the date of delivery and discussion is pre-defined and information of the student and then discuss Students research by a specialized committee in the scientific department. Al-Dour Technical Institute /mechanical Techniques Diploma Requirement. The above-mentioned students collect a score of 50% according to the course. The grades are presented to the students before the final exams. The following table (1) shows how to calculate the grades of the students during the first semester, the second semester