Department of Accounting Techniques

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 About the Department:

The Department of Accounting Technologies was founded in 1988 and is one of the scientific departments at the Technical Institute located in Al-Dour, Salah al-Din Governorate. The department accepts high school graduates from various branches, including applied, biological, literary, and commercial, and trains them to become middle administrative cadres in the field of accounting. Students are provided with training opportunities in various state institutions, particularly in their accounting departments. The department attracts students from all governorates of Iraq, and the number of students enrolled in the program is continually growing. The department utilizes effective teaching and learning strategies as well as scientific research methodologies.



Upgrading the accounting profession in line with the rapid economic development by achieving a high level of creativity and excellence, and to serve all sectors of the economy, and the department occupies a leading position in academic and professional accounting education and research at the level of Iraq, through the adoption of standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IFAC).



Promoting and upgrading the accounting profession, creating a scientific environment that sponsors accounting research, and providing the labor market with graduates who have professional and academic knowledge, abilities and skills, and have ethical values that enable them to face the challenges posed by the changing business environment through the innovation of accounting programs.



1. Meeting the needs of the labor market for qualified human resources in the field of accounting and legal auditing.
2. Contribute to the development of the best methods of education in the field of accounting.
3. Preparing qualified cadres appropriately and sufficiently to assume the responsibility of the burdens of the profession as accountants or auditors in the government or business sector based on the needs of society.

Aims :

  1. To effectively use educational technologies to achieve the educational objectives of the program.

  2. To meet the labor market’s needs for qualified human resources in the field of accounting and legal auditing.

  3. To contribute to the development of the best educational methods in the field of accounting.

  4. To ensure the highest levels of compatibility between educational outcomes and skills required by the labor market.

  5. To prepare appropriately and sufficiently qualified cadres to bear the burdens of the profession as accountants or auditors in the government or business sectors based on the needs of society.

  6. To raise the level of teaching performance in line with the department’s requirements in the future by attracting distinguished scientific competencies.

Core values:

The department urges students to adhere to basic values and maintain the rules of professional conduct, such as honesty, integrity, and transparency of accounting work. Additionally, students should preserve customer secrets and consider the accountant an essential element in eliminating financial corruption.

Number of teaching staff
Number of students