Dour Technical Institute
About the Institute
To be distinguished in performance and occupy a prestigious position among similar institutes through the scientific and professional preparation of students to effectively contribute to achieving developmental career aspirations in various medical, technological, administrative, and accounting fields.
The institute’s mission is derived from its history of achievement, goals, and previous successes, which are based on the university’s beliefs and positions. Accordingly, the institute’s mission is as follows: commitment to scientific integrity in conveying valuable information to students and preparing highly qualified graduates capable of performing the tasks assigned to them in the labor market by seeking the best educational methods used, in addition to competing with similar institutes through commitment to growth and development to deal with environmental variables in the labor market and caring for employees as they constitute a fundamental value for the institute. Therefore, it seeks to develop their capabilities and skills in their work.
According to the vision and mission, the institute seeks to achieve the following objectives:
Preparing qualified graduates in all specializations in the institute that meet the needs of society and the labor market.
Enriching the path of scientific research with solid research in the institute’s specializations and raising its level in global rankings.
Providing a service to beneficiaries by organizing courses and workshops for them according to their needs.
Developing the level of quality and academic accreditation in the institute to enhance its capabilities.
Ensuring effective follow-up of students and their academic achievement from the time they join the institute’s departments until they graduate.
Improving the quality of the educational process by adhering to the highest standards of scientific quality in all areas of academic work.
Developing and enhancing the skills and capabilities of faculty members through specialized training programs.
Providing opportunities for the exchange of expertise with prestigious educational institutions.