Medical Laboratory Techniques Department

جدول الدروس الاسبوعي           المعهد التقني الحويجة المرحلة الثانية /الدراسة الصباحية / الفصل الاول  
قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية 
جدول الدروس الأسبوعي للعام الدراسي 2024-2025 المرحلة الثانية 
اليومالوقتشعبة Aشعبة Bشعبة C
الاحد9 …10 Principles of Bacteriology( T )قاعة 1د.منى Protoza ( T ) رقم 3د.مروانIntroduction Of Hematology ( T )رقم 1د.محسن  
10 …11Introduction Of Hematology ( T )رقم 1د.محسن  Principles of Bacteriology( T )قاعة 1د.منى Principles of Bacteriology (E)مختبر جرايم أستاذ صقر
11…12Protoza ( T ) رقم 3د.مروانIntroduction Of Hematology ( T )رقم 1د.محسن  Principles of Bacteriology( T )قاعة 1د.منى 
12…1جرائم نظام البعثرقم 4د.محمد ياسين       
الاث( T )ي( T )9 …10 Biochemistry (E) مختبر كيمياء أستاذ عمر محمودPrinciple of Immunology  (E)رقم أستاذ يوسف Biochemistry( T ) رقم 2د.وسام 
10 …11Biochemistry( T ) رقم 2د.وسام Biochemistry مختبر كيمياء أستاذ عمر محمودPrinciple of Immunology (E) رقم أستاذ يوسف 
11…12Principle of Immunology  (E)رقم أستاذ يوسف Biochemistry( T ) رقم 2د.وسام Virology (E)مختبر جراثيم أستاذ وسام احمد
12…1   جرائم نظام البعثرقم 4د.محمد ياسين    
الثلاثاء9 …10 Virology (E)مختبر جراثيم أستاذ وسام احمدProtoza (E)مختبر تقنيات أستاذ وسام Principle of Immunology ( T ) رقم 1د.هدى 
10 …11Principle of Immunology ( T ) رقم 1د.هدى Virology (E)مختبر جراثيم أستاذ وسام احمدProtoza (E)مختبر تقنيات أستاذ وسام 
11…12Protoza  €مختبر تقنيات أستاذ وسام Principle of Immunology ( T ) رقم 1د.هدى Protoza ( T ) رقم 3د.مروان
12…1      جرائم نظام البعثرقم 4د.محمد ياسين 
الأربعاء9 …10 Introduction Of Hematology (E) مختبر  دم  أستاذ عبدالرزاقStatistics رقم 1أستاذ مصطفىTheoretical computer ( T ) قاعة 3د.عبدالرزاق
10 …11Theoretical computer ( T ) قاعة 3د.عبدالرزاقIntroduction Of Hematology (E) مختبر  دم  أستاذ عبدالرزاقStatistics رقم 1أستاذ مصطفى
11…12Statistics رقم 1أستاذ مصطفىTheoretical computer ( T ) قاعة 3د.عبدالرزاقIntroduction Of Hematology (E) مختبر  دم  أستاذ عبدالرزاق
الخميس9 …10 Theoretical computer (E) مختبر حاسبة أستاذ عبدالله مطشر Virology ( T ) رقم 2أستاذ فلاح Biochemistry (E) مختبر كيمياء أستاذ عمر محمود
10 …11Principles of Bacteriology  €مختبر جرايم أستاذ صقرTheoretical computer  (E)مختبر حاسبة أستاذ عبدالله مطشر Virology ( T ) رقم 2أستاذ فلاح 
11…12Virology ( T ) رقم 2أستاذ فلاح Principles of Bacteriology €مختبر جرايم أستاذ صقرTheoretical computer (E) مختبر حاسبة أستاذ عبدالله مطشر 




todaythe timeDivision ADivision BC divisionD division
Subjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeaching
Sunday8:30…10:30 Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. WissamDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid
10:30…12:30 Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. Wissam Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues
12:30…2:30Dedan A Bacteriology laboratorySitt Fadila + Professor Omar Mahmoud Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona
Monday8:30…10:30 worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid + Professor Omar Mahmoud Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. WissamDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues
10:30…12:30 Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. Wissam
12:30…2:30 Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratoryProfessor Abdul Hamid + Professor Omar Mahmoud Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. MonaDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda
Tuesday8:30…10:30Hematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib english languageHall No. 7 Professor AtheerComputer applications p Computer lab Professor Amer
10:30…12:30Professional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratoryMrs Hoda + Professor Omar Mahmoud Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona
12:30…2:30 Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratoryMrs Hoda + Professor Omar MahmoudHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona english languageHall No. 7 Professor Atheer
Wednesday8:30…10:30 english languageHall No. 7 Professor AtheerComputer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib
10:30…12:30 Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. MonaProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratory Six Hoda
12:30…2:30Diagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona english languageHall No. 7 Professor Atheer Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratory Six HodaHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. Luqman
08:30…10:30Hematology A Hematology laboratoryDr. Luqman + Professor Omar Mahmoud Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six HodaHematology A Hematology laboratory Professor Omar Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hana
10:30…11:30 Computer applications n Hall No. 8 Professor WissamHematology A Hematology laboratory Dr. Luqman Computer applications n Hall No. 8Professor MuhammadHematology A Hematology laboratory Professor Omar
11:30…12:30 Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hoda Computer applications n Hall No. 8 Professor Wissam Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hana Computer applications n Hall No. 8Professor Muhammad
12:30…1:30 Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six Hoda Computer applications p Computer labProfessor MuhammadMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six names
1:30…2:30Medical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six Hoda Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six names Computer applications p Computer labProfessor Muhammad
Weekly lesson schedule, Hawija Technical Institute, second stage / second course   
todaythe timeDivision ADivision BC divisionD division
Subjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeachingSubjectthe hallTeaching
Sunday8:30…10:30 Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. WissamDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid
10:30…12:30 Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. Wissam Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues
12:30…2:30Dedan A Bacteriology laboratorySitt Fadila + Professor Omar Mahmoud Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona
Monday8:30…10:30 worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratory Professor Abdul Hamid + Professor Omar Mahmoud Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. WissamDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues
10:30…12:30 Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. Mona worms nHall No. 3 Six virtues Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda Clinical chemistry nHall No. 1 Dr. Wissam
12:30…2:30 Clinical chemistry p Chemistry laboratoryProfessor Abdul Hamid + Professor Omar Mahmoud Diagnostic bacteria nHall No. 4 Dr. MonaDedan A Bacteriology laboratorySix virtues Immunity and pathogenesis n Hall No. 2 Six Hoda
Tuesday8:30…10:30Hematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib english languageHall No. 7 Professor AtheerComputer applications p Computer lab Professor Amer
10:30…12:30Professional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratoryMrs Hoda + Professor Omar Mahmoud Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona
12:30…2:30 Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratoryMrs Hoda + Professor Omar MahmoudHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona english languageHall No. 7 Professor Atheer
Wednesday8:30…10:30 english languageHall No. 7 Professor AtheerComputer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. LuqmanProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib
10:30…12:30 Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerDiagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. MonaProfessional ethics Hall No. 6 Dr. Sahib Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratory Six Hoda
12:30…2:30Diagnostic bacteria A Bacteriology laboratory Dr. Mona english languageHall No. 7 Professor Atheer Immunity and pathogenicity Hematology laboratory Six HodaHematology nHall No. 5 Dr. Luqman
08:30…10:30Hematology A Hematology laboratoryDr. Luqman + Professor Omar Mahmoud Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six HodaHematology A Hematology laboratory Professor Omar Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hana
10:30…11:30 Computer applications n Hall No. 8 Professor WissamHematology A Hematology laboratory Dr. Luqman Computer applications n Hall No. 8Professor MuhammadHematology A Hematology laboratory Professor Omar
11:30…12:30 Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hoda Computer applications n Hall No. 8 Professor Wissam Medicinal fungicide nHall No. 1 Six Hana Computer applications n Hall No. 8Professor Muhammad
12:30…1:30 Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six Hoda Computer applications p Computer labProfessor MuhammadMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six names
1:30…2:30Medical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six Hoda Computer applications p Computer lab Professor AmerMedical mycology p Laboratory techniques laboratory Six names Computer applications p Computer labProfessor Muhammad