IMG 20241207 WA0004

Department of Network and Computer Software Technologies

The Department of Network and Computer Software was established at Technical Institute / Hawija in 2024 to provide society and the market with young energies in the field of computer networks and software, develop their abilities, and  work in the fields related to computer science.
The department works to graduate intermediate technical staff capable of developing and maintaining wired and wireless computer networks and computer operation system and applications, to keep up with tremendous and rapid development in the field of computer software and networks.


Achieving excellence and leadership in the field of information technology related to computer networks, providing society with effective intermediate staff in computer network systems, developing their capabilities in computer software, and developing their skills in interacting and communicating with others to reach a digital society under an electronic government.


We seek to provide an outstanding  education in the field of computer networks and software according to international standards, produce creative research that serves higher education, and provide technical consultations to raise the level of community performance.



  • Preparing scientifically and educationally qualified staff that are compatible with the market and the needs of digital development fields.
  • Encouraging scientific research in theoretical and applied sciences, as well as supporting future research and continuous development of curricula in accordance with contemporary cognitive, methodological and technical innovations.
  • Participating in community service through direct and continuous interaction with governmental and non-governmental institutions, providing scientific consultations, and promoting continuing education programs.