mosul 1

Department of Civil Techniques


Academic Requirements

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Graduation Requirements

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The Department has two branches:

A- Building and Constructions


The Department develops a technical education program with an academic and applied framework that takes into account scientific advancements in building and construction. It does this by relying on the overall quality system and performance development based on the demands of the labour market (both public and private sectors).


Bringing the building and construction specialization in technical education up to the highest standards by staying up to date on changes in the use of contemporary building materials, the Department responds to the development of curricula in order to give graduates the skills and experience needed to meet the demands of the labour market.


The Department’s goal is to equip qualified technical staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement various civil projects utilizing contemporary building materials, as well as to participate in the map drawing and surveying and to compute budgets and measurements of projects.

Graduate job description 

  • testing construction materials in the lab and on the ground.

  • to be able to read, create, and maintain maps and blueprints for civil engineering projects.

  • civil works are executed using contemporary construction materials.

  • measuring and calculating the dimensions of construction projects.

  • computer drawing is a critical engineering subspecialty under the Civil Techniques Department.

B- Computer Drawing Branch 


To propel this branch into the ranks of specialized scientific and international institutions, it will befor the department to build a technical education system with an academic and practical framework, account for scientific advancements in engineering drawing by hand and later using a computer, rely on a comprehensive quality system, and develop performance based on the demands of the labour market (public and private sectors).


In order to provide graduates with experiences and skills that meet the demands of the labour market, technical education must adopt the targeted quality of the technical education process using cutting-edge drawing software to develop students’ skills. This can be done by staying up to date with global developments and responding to the development of curricula.


The Department’s goal is to train qualified technical cadres to perform tasks like manually drawing different engineering plans on a computer, creating architectural models, and modeling engineering project plans under artistic direction using computers and cutting-edge drawing and displaying software. Everyone is aware that the completion of the aforementioned tasks necessitates the availability of computers with high specifications that allow students to work with software and create drawings accurately and precisely, so it necessitates the availability of these cutting-edge devices and in sufficient numbers to enable the full completion of modern vocabulary.

Graduate job description 

  • using a computer, manually create engineering, architectural, construction, electrical, mechanical, sanitary designs, and land survey maps.

  • producing architectural models.

  • using contemporary drawing software, technical project planning for engineering.