
“A Master’s thesis at Northern Technical University investigates:(Molecular evaluation of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax parasites in patients with periodontitis and dental caries, and some related risk factors)…

A Master’s thesis was conducted at the Technical College/Kirkuk titled: (Molecular Evaluation of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax parasites in patients with periodontitis and dental caries, […]

The Northern Technical University celebrated the Cultural Harmony Day of Mosul under the auspices of Dr. Aliaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the President of the Northern Technical University…

The Peaceful Coexistence Unit organized a diverse cultural event to commemorate the Cultural Harmony Day of Mosul. During the event, the University President delivered a speech […]

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The master’s thesis was discussed at the Northern Technical University, focusing on building an Intelligent Banking Edge Model based on Blockchain and Lora technology…

The thesis, presented by the researcher (Soha Tarek Muslim), explored the conceptual architectural design for incorporating Blockchain technology into Lora network servers. This was done to […]