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The Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a scientific workshop within the sustainable development program entitled (Medical Waste and Disposal Methods)

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Presidency of the Northern Technical University, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Division and the Department of Community Health Technologies, organized a scientific workshop entitled (Medical Waste and Methods of Disposal) The lecture was delivered by the assistant teacher Jelnk Hamid Mahmood.

The workshop dealt with the nature of medical waste, its types, and disposal methods.

The workshop indicated that those wastes that are produced from the materials used for examining, diagnosing, and caring for patients, whether inside or outside the health facility, include needles, syringes, cotton, gauze, remnants of samples contaminated with blood and fluids from patients, pharmacy residues, chemical, and radioactive waste, and waste. Surgical operations of human organs and others.

This waste is considered one of the most dangerous types of waste to the environment and on human health. Because it contains bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens.

The workshop showed methods of disposal of medical waste and how to preserve the environment for the purpose of avoiding the spread of infection and its impact on human health and the environment.

The workshop came out with several conclusions, including:

  • Neglecting the proper disposal of medical waste leads to many risks
  • Negligence also leads to the spread of infection and pathogens
  • Radioactive waste can cause skin burns and severe injuries in addition to poisoning from the chemicals used.
  • The wrong disposal of needles and sharp waste poses a serious risk of infection, such as hepatitis A, C, and AIDS.

The impact of medical waste is not limited to human health only, but that it is disposed of by wrong methods that may lead to environmental pollution. Toxic substances such as chlorine dioxins, which are carcinogenic to humans, have been linked to a range of adverse health effects.

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