جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية في خدمة المجتمع2
Our Northern Technical University in community service
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تزور جامعة ساوث كارولينا في امريكا1
The President of the Northern Technical University visits the University of South Carolina in America
جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية في خدمة المجتمع2
Our Northern Technical University in community service
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تزور جامعة ساوث كارولينا في امريكا1
The President of the Northern Technical University visits the University of South Carolina in America
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The Northern Technical University opens horizons for scientific cooperation with the University of South Carolina, USA

In light of the continuation of the achievements of the Northern Technical University, which has become a great scientific presence in the space of the Iraqi, Arab and international universities, represented by the President of the University, Professor Dr. By Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, an official delegation from the university represented by Mr. Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rafi, and Mr. Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department, Lecturer Dr. Harith Akram Hammoudat, and Mr. Director of the Quality Assurance Department, Dr. Nabil Mikhlif Abdul-Razzaq Al-Motaqram to visit the University of South Carolina to sign a joint scientific cooperation agreement between the two universities based on the invitation made by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Micheal M. Amiridis.
Where this university is one of the ancient American universities, which was founded in 1801 and has more than 350 academic programs and receives approximately 35,000 students annually, and has approximately 68,000 scientific research in the Scopus container and 12,000 scientific researchers. During the visit, a joint scientific cooperation agreement was signed between the two universities, which included many items, the most important of which are:
Developing research centers and units through joint scientific cooperation

  • Exchange programs for the management of educational institutions
    Joint supervision of postgraduate students
  • Holding joint scientific conferences and forums
    -Exchanging scientific experiences, developing the educational level, updating and developing scientific curricula through joint studies and research
    Organizing training courses in person and electronically, which would raise the efficiency of the scientific and administrative staff, and exchange visits between the two universities
    Contribute to obtaining international accreditation for engineering disciplines
    Providing special research grants to distinguished employees and students of the Northern Technical University to complete their doctoral studies
  • Opening a joint scientific training center between the two universities, to be located in the Northern Technical University, including granting joint certificates in the field of cybersecurity
    The visit also included holding several meetings with the assistants of the university president, deans of faculties, and heads of scientific departments in the fields of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and cybersecurity, in addition to visiting research centers and all the university’s service facilities (the central library and the sports center) to review all scientific and service developments in the university and discuss ways of cooperation. Scientific. The visit witnessed great praise from the President of the University of South Carolina for the Iraqi students studying at the university and for the reputation of the Northern Technical University and what it has achieved in recent years. The President of the University spoke, saying: The agreement will enhance the means of advancing the level of professional, scientific, and administrative performance between the two universities and at all scientific levels through the implementation of the terms of the agreement. She called for expanding the horizons of cooperation between the two sides for the benefit of our educational institutions. The Northern Technical University University Shield and a plaque representing the most prominent historical monuments of the governorates of Nineveh, Kirkuk, and Salah al-Din to the President of the University, the Assistant President of the University, the deans and heads of scientific departments and those in charge of the agreement. She also extended her thanks and appreciation to everyone for the warm reception. University’s president. At the same time, the President of the University of South Carolina thanked Mrs. President of the University for the visit and presented her with the university’s shield in appreciation of her visit, praying to God for the two universities to succeed in activating the terms of the agreement.

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