Al-Door Technical Institute organizes a course entitled “The best methods to be followed to eliminate parasites”
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Al-Door Technical Institute organizes a course entitled “The best methods to be followed to eliminate parasites”
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The Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk organizes a scientific course entitled “Applications of Biotechnologies in Improving the Sustainable Production of Medicinal Plants…

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yawuz Nour El-Din, Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk, the Department of Therapeutic Nutrition Techniques organized a scientific course entitled (Applications of biotechnologies in improving the sustainable production of medicinal plants). The course was attended by Asel Aziz Tawfik/ Head of Therapeutic Nutrition Techniques Department, the Dean of the College, the heads of the scientific departments, the Dean’s assistants, and a number of the college’s teachers and technicians.

The course dealt with the most important issues facing humanity at the present time represented in the provision of food, clothing and housing for billions of people, and the millions that are added annually to the human population. There is no doubt that the capacity of the currently available resources is receding before the flood of human beings who have the right to enjoy a dignified life in the same way as the billions that preceded it. In successive generations to inhabit the land, seek in its places, find and strive for reconstruction and to achieve prosperity for it and for other inhabitants of the world.

The course demonstrated the applications of biotechnology in improving the sustainable production of medicinal plants. Modern biotechnology, with its vast scientific knowledge, offers broad prospects for the development of plants for the production of food and medicine, especially since biotechnology has become an essential element for economic and social development in many countries of the developed and developing world until the term economics has become Economy Based -Bio is commonly used to describe the penetration of biotechnology into the core of the economy. The course aimed to explain the applications of biotechnology and genetic engineering: Applications in different areas of life as:

  1. Pharmaceutical industries: the production of medicines.
  2. Medicine: diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  3. Agriculture: producing plants that are resistant to salinity, drought and diseases
  4. Environment: the use of genetically modified organisms to reduce pollution
  5. Food industries.

The session came out with the following recommendations:

  1. One of the most important issues facing humanity is the provision of food and medicine, and the ability to produce medicinal plants is one of the priorities of sustainable development issues.
  2. The cooperation between researchers in scientific centers in various Iraqi and international universities in the field of biotechnology will provide an opportunity to transfer scientific knowledge and exchange experiences.
  3. Raising awareness about the role of scientific plants in promoting the healthy life of individuals.
  4. The use of drug alternatives and medicines from herbs and medicinal plants is the best option for a fuller healthy life.
  5. Conducting courses and seminars to educate researchers and specialists in this field.
  6. Bioremediation of the environment and creation of sustainable breeding conditions.

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