Northern Technical University organizes an electronic workshop entitled: (Kinetic energy of water)
Northern Technical University organizes an online training course entitled (Designing Specialized Prefixes for Genes via NCBI)
2021-03-03Northern Technical University organizes an electronic symposium entitled (Coronaviridae, Classification, Definition, Pathogenesis, Lab . Diagnosis and Treatments )
The Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies at Al Dur Technical Institute organized an electronic seminar entitled (Coronaviridae, Classification; Definition; Pathogenesis; Lab diagnosis., And treatment on Zoom platform
The lecture was given by Mrs. Marwa Malik Khalaf, the lecturer in the section, and a number of university employees participated in it.
The symposium aimed at :
Knowing the common cause of the influenza virus, identifying the strains that are resistant to most antibiotics, and ensuring that health precautions are taken for the healthy person and the infected one.
The symposium demonstrated: – The necessity to address risks from the source.
First: in the case of epidemics: this means reducing the possibility of viruses transmitting from animals to humans (bats and scaly ants in the case of the Corona pandemic(
Second: Responding to Warnings: This includes putting in place better safeguards to counter the dangerous effects caused by epidemics.
Third: Detailed options: There are some measures that must be taken to reduce certain risks, even if they will affect anther aspect of life.
Fourth: Thinking about the expected social unrest: As the Corona crisis forced peoples and organizations to experiment with new living and professional patterns. Now is the time to look and see which of these changes should be preserved over the long term.