المعهد التقني الدور ينظم ندوة بعنوان modern communication tools
Al-Dawr Technical Institute organizes a seminar entitled Modern Communication Tools
المعهد التقني الموصل ينظم حلقة نقاشية عن الهوائيات
Mosul Technical Institute organizes a panel discussion on (Using frequency selective surface (FSS) to enhance antenna properties)
المعهد التقني الدور ينظم ندوة بعنوان modern communication tools
Al-Dawr Technical Institute organizes a seminar entitled Modern Communication Tools
المعهد التقني الموصل ينظم حلقة نقاشية عن الهوائيات
Mosul Technical Institute organizes a panel discussion on (Using frequency selective surface (FSS) to enhance antenna properties)
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Mosul Technical Institute organizes a seminar on clean energy and its impact on the environment

المعهد التقني الموصل ينظم حلقة دراسية عن الطاقة النظيفة وأثرها على البيئة.

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of the Northern Technical University, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Shahla Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Qader, the Nursing Technology Department organized a seminar entitled:

)Clean energy and its impact on the environment) delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Thaera Idris Younes, the symposium dealt with:

Introducing clean energy, which comes from renewable sources that are free of emissions and do not pollute the atmosphere when used. The use of renewable energy has many advantages, including:

  • First: It does not run out and does not end, as the wind cannot stop, as well as the sun and the movement of water.
  • Second: All types of renewable energies are environmentally friendly, unlike traditional fuels, which contain high percentages of carbon, which has become one of the world’s air pollutants.

The seminar made several recommendations:

  1. It is preferable to switch from the current energy used to clean energy because of the effects of regular energy on the environment.
  2. Our energy needs must be balanced through efficient storage of renewable energy so that it can be used when needed.
  3. A great deal of work must be done to improve the infrastructure and storage capabilities of clean energy.

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