الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم ورشة عمل بعنوان خطر المخدرات. 1
The Administrative Technical College organizes a workshop entitled Drug Danger.
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم جلسة حوارية 1
Northern Technical University organizes a dialogue session.
الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم ورشة عمل بعنوان خطر المخدرات. 1
The Administrative Technical College organizes a workshop entitled Drug Danger.
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم جلسة حوارية 1
Northern Technical University organizes a dialogue session.
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Hawija Technical Institute organizes a symposium on (The Causes of Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and its Reduction)

المعهد التقني الحويجة ينظم ندوة عن اسباب التطرف العنيف المؤدي للارهاب والحد منها. 1

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and with the follow-up of Prof. Omar Khalil Ahmed, Dean of the Institute, the Department of Electronic Technologies organized a symposium on (The Causes of Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and its Reduction(

The lecture was delivered by Dr. Sahib Jalal Ajaj.

A number of the institute’s employees and students attended.

The symposium dealt with the knowledge of the reasons that lead to the creation of terrorism, especially the intellectual and behavioral causes, and how to reduce these causes.

The symposium indicated that the circumstances surrounding the person, whether economic, social, psychological and others, were among the main reasons for pushing young people, especially to intellectual delinquency, leading to behavioral behaviors that reach the degree of violence and then to terrorism that the world suffers from in general and the Arab environment in particular. She indicated that terrorism is not specific to one religion or belief without another.

The symposium aimed to identify the main causes and how to limit them to prevent the productive segment, especially the youth and all segments of society, from entering this dark tunnel that leads to destruction through continuous awareness and taking a lesson from what happened and is happening in the world of terrorist events that aim their evil on all humanity.

The seminar came out with the following recommendations:

  • Continuing educational awareness through seminars, conferences and others on the educational level as well.
  • Giving young people an adequate opportunity, especially, to express their presence within the community and make them feel that they are the important part of the community, in order to generate their self-confidence for their intellectual and behavioral stability.

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