السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تعقد اجتماعاً استثنائياً بعمداء ومعاوني العمداء لشؤون الطلبة .5
The President of the Northern Technical University Holds an Exceptional Meeting with the Deans and Vice Deans for Student Affairs…
وتتوالى إنجازات جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية
Achievements of Northern Technical University…
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تعقد اجتماعاً استثنائياً بعمداء ومعاوني العمداء لشؤون الطلبة .5
The President of the Northern Technical University Holds an Exceptional Meeting with the Deans and Vice Deans for Student Affairs…
وتتوالى إنجازات جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية
Achievements of Northern Technical University…
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Northern Technical University Hosts the Periodic Meeting of Presidents of Technical Universities in Iraq…

Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Na’im Al-Aboudi, Northern Technical University hosted the periodic meeting of Iraqi technical universities. The meeting aimed to discuss the current state of technical education in the country and its significant role in shaping strategies for the development of the technical and professional landscape. These strategies are aimed at supporting the advancement of technological and technical progress, ensuring the competence of technical professionals, and aligning their skills with the demands of the job market and required specializations. The meeting took place in Erbil province and was chaired by Professor Dr. Haider Abdul Dahd, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Research Affairs, representing the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, along with the presidents of the Southern Technical, Middle Technical, Arbil, Dohuk, and Sulaymaniyah Universities.
Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the President of Northern Technical University, welcomed the esteemed attendees and expressed her pleasure in hosting this meeting. She hoped that the outcomes of the meeting would yield fruitful recommendations to support and enhance the state of technical education in Iraq. Following her speech, the Assistant Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Research Affairs, Professor Dr. Haider Abdul Dahd, delivered a statement expressing his happiness to be present and participate. He conveyed the greetings of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and his desire to support technical education as a fundamental pillar for enhancing and developing various sectors of the state, aligning with its developmental orientations, and supplying the job market with technical competencies. This is especially relevant after the implementation of the Bologna Process to enhance and develop the outcomes of technical and vocational education.
Subsequently, the presidents of the universities delivered their speeches, all expressing the desire for collaboration and participation in elevating the paths of development for technical and vocational education.
The agenda items were then discussed, encompassing the presentation of the most important measures, results, and challenges that emerged during the implementation of the Bologna Process at Northern Technical University over the past year. Professor Assistant Dr. Omar Raafat Mahmoud, the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, elaborated on the aspirations of technical universities to transition into polytechnic universities. He presented various proposals to achieve this transformation, enhancing technical specializations in alignment with the current practices of international technical universities.
The meeting concluded with several recommendations, including:
The pursuit of collaborative efforts to ensure the autonomy of universities, particularly focusing on autonomous admission for colleges applying the Bologna Process. This practice is intended to be applied in all technical universities for engineering departments.
The recommendation to upgrade technical institutes to polytechnic colleges significantly enhances the quality of education and fosters competition among students.
The suggestion is to dissolve the Technical Education Authority and establish a higher coordinating committee for technical education. The committee’s role would solely involve supporting technical education and unifying visions for the four technical universities.
Moving forward with infrastructural preparations to gradually transition to polytechnic universities, outlining progressive steps that contribute to the development of technical education and the quality of its outcomes.Support for the “Adrastus” project in Iraq and the formulation of a new policy and plan to develop the project in line with the esteemed ministry’s vision.
Agreement to hold a conference on the Bologna Process, organized by the central and regional technical universities, to share their experiences in implementing this process and its benefits, further solidifying technical education and its outcomes. This conference will be under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and is scheduled for the coming October.
The meeting also generated several other recommendations aimed at cementing collaborative efforts to support technical and vocational education and Iraqi technical universities, as well as strengthening cohesion and alignment in work practices to achieve desired objectives for the enhancement and development of technical specializations on local, regional, and global levels.


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