السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تلتقي الدكتورة الشيخة الموصلية صبرية يحيى حمودي .1
The President of the Northern Technical University meets with Dr. Sheikha Al-Mosuliya Sabriya Yahya Hammoudi
المعهد التقني الدور ينظم دورة بعنوان حجم الضرر الذي يسببه داء اللشمانيات باجناسه الثلاث .
Al-Door Technical Institute organizes a course entitled “The extent of the damage caused by Leishmaniasis in its three species”
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تلتقي الدكتورة الشيخة الموصلية صبرية يحيى حمودي .1
The President of the Northern Technical University meets with Dr. Sheikha Al-Mosuliya Sabriya Yahya Hammoudi
المعهد التقني الدور ينظم دورة بعنوان حجم الضرر الذي يسببه داء اللشمانيات باجناسه الثلاث .
Al-Door Technical Institute organizes a course entitled “The extent of the damage caused by Leishmaniasis in its three species”
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The Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up Division in the Presidency of our University organizes an electronic meeting for the officials of the rehabilitation units in the university’s colleges and institutes

شعبة التأهيل والتوظيف والمتابعة في رئاسة جامعتنا تنظم اجتماعاً الكترونياً لمسؤولي وحدات التأهيل في كليات الجامعة ومعاهدها .

Under the guidance of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, and with the start of the new academic year (2022-2023), and to follow up the work of the units and develop their work, the Division of Rehabilitation, Employment, and Follow-up organized an electronic meeting for the officials of the qualification, employment, and follow-up units in the faculties The university and its institutes discussed several important paragraphs that pertain to the units’ activities and monthly activities, the most important of which are:

  • Organizing and holding workshops and courses for graduates in cooperation with specialists, civil society organizations, and international organizations.
  • Follow-up and evaluation of the work of the graduates participating in the job training program and cooperation with private sector companies.
  • Several proposals would raise and develop the level of work of the units and develop their work.
  • Emphasis on preparing the proposed annual plan for the new academic year for each formation to work with.

Urging the union officials to follow up on updating the data on the workshops and seminars within the Naduti website prepared by the Ministry.

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