زيارة علمية لطلبة الكلية التقنية الهندسية الموصل إلى مشروع سد الموصل
A scientific visit by students of the Mosul Engineering Technical College to the Mosul Dam project…
تتوهج شعلة جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية بنشاط علمي جديد.1
The flame of our Northern Technical University glows with new scientific activity.
زيارة علمية لطلبة الكلية التقنية الهندسية الموصل إلى مشروع سد الموصل
A scientific visit by students of the Mosul Engineering Technical College to the Mosul Dam project…
تتوهج شعلة جامعتنا التقنية الشمالية بنشاط علمي جديد.1
The flame of our Northern Technical University glows with new scientific activity.
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The President of the Northern Technical University attends part of the opening of the archaeological park

السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تحضر جانبا من افتتاح الحديقة الاثرية1

in the presence of the Governor of Nineveh Mr. Najm al-Jubouri, the representative of the President of the Republic, and the representative of the Minister of Culture and Antiquities. The event began with a speech by the representative of the President of the Republic, the representative of the Minister of Culture, the Governor of Nineveh, the Italian Ambassador, and a speech delivered by the President of our university, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar praised the importance of Mosul’s heritage and the necessity of preserving it, and the event ended with a tour of the archaeological park of the Adad Gate.

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