The Scientific Council at the Presidency of the Northern Technical University holds its periodic meeting
The Women Empowerment Committee at the Health and Medical Technical College of Kirkuk, in cooperation with the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, holds a symposium entitled “The Importance of Women’s Role in Preserving the Environment” …
The Scientific Council at the Presidency of the Northern Technical University holds its periodic meeting
The Women Empowerment Committee at the Health and Medical Technical College of Kirkuk, in cooperation with the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, holds a symposium entitled “The Importance of Women’s Role in Preserving the Environment” …
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The owners of the Northern Technical University hatchery on a visit to the Kirkuk fish hatchery

Under the guidance and vigorous follow-up of the President of the Northern Technical University, the Northern Technical University hatchery operations management team, in coordination with the Human Generation Triangle Organization, completed an assessment visit to the Kirkuk fish hatchery to enter into a training session for the owners of our university hatchery to enhance the practical experience of the project. The production capacity of the hatchery is 16 million fish per season. Productivity, which starts from February to September, the hatcher contains 7 basins with an area of ​​22 dunums, 80 cages, and 28 incubators, and is marketed to various governorates of Iraq, in addition to the incubator containing concrete and clay basins for hatching in different ways…

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