الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تحتفي بدخولها عدداً من التصنيفات العالمية ..1
Northern Technical University celebrates its entry into the global rankings…
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ورشة علمية عن دور البحث العلمي والتقنيات الحديثة في تحسين فرص النجاة من سرطان الثدي.4
Northern Technical University organizes a scientific workshop on the role of scientific research and modern technologies in improving the chances of survival from breast cancer …
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تحتفي بدخولها عدداً من التصنيفات العالمية ..1
Northern Technical University celebrates its entry into the global rankings…
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ورشة علمية عن دور البحث العلمي والتقنيات الحديثة في تحسين فرص النجاة من سرطان الثدي.4
Northern Technical University organizes a scientific workshop on the role of scientific research and modern technologies in improving the chances of survival from breast cancer …
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The Northern Technical University produces sprouted barley.

الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنتج الشعير المستنبت.

The Northern Technical University produces sprouted barley.

Under the guidance and direction of the university president, Dr. Aliya Abbas Ali Al-Atar, and with the supervision of the university’s assistant president for scientific affairs and the dean of the Agricultural Technical College, the Agricultural Technical College, along with the incubator and technology, implemented this project. Supported by equipment from the IOM and as part of the university’s sustainable agricultural projects, the university produced sprouted barley. This technique is used in feed production to reduce costs for breeders, in addition to its nutritional importance and benefits in increasing milk production, as one kilogram of sprouted barley can feed 6-8 sheep.

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