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Northern Technical University organizes a scientific course on “Integration in Scientific Research”
Kirkuk Technical Institute organizes a scientific workshop entitled (Sectarianism, Racism, and Ways to Strengthen National Identity)
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The Medical and Health Technical College / Kirkuk holds an orientation symposium on (medical interpretation of suicide)

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of the Northern Technical University, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yawuz Nur al-Din, Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the college held a counseling seminar entitled (Medical Interpretation of Suicide) in which she lectured:

Wafaa Mahmood Jassim/ an instructor

It was attended by the Head of Therapeutic Nutrition Techniques Department, the Head of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, and a number of affiliates and students.

The seminar aimed to:

Addressing the most important causes of suicide and the factors that lead to it, with a focus on the social aspects surrounding this phenomenon.

The seminar dealt with:

The importance of following up on the issue of suicide, medical rehabilitation for suicides, treating the injured, spreading ideas of love and forgiveness among all segments of society, and ways to prevent any manifestation of suicide.

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