المعهد كركوك ينظم ندوة علمية ضمن برنامج التنمية المستدامة بعنوانتأمين المياه والحفاظ عليها في التنمية المستدامة
The Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a scientific symposium within the sustainable development program entitled Securing and preserving water in sustainable development
المعهد كركوك ينظم دورة علمية طبية دور مضادات الاكسدة الطبيعية في الجسم
Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a medical scientific course on the role of natural antioxidants in the body
المعهد كركوك ينظم ندوة علمية ضمن برنامج التنمية المستدامة بعنوانتأمين المياه والحفاظ عليها في التنمية المستدامة
The Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a scientific symposium within the sustainable development program entitled Securing and preserving water in sustainable development
المعهد كركوك ينظم دورة علمية طبية دور مضادات الاكسدة الطبيعية في الجسم
Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a medical scientific course on the role of natural antioxidants in the body
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The Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk organizes a scientific course on (advanced methods of staining tissues and microorganisms using special dyes)…

الكلية التقنية الصحية تنظم دورة علمية عن الطرق المتقدمة لتلطيخ الأنسجة والكائنات الحية الدقيقة باستخدام الاصباغ الخاصة

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yawuz Nour Al-Din, the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies organized a scientific course entitled (Advance methods of special staining for tissues and microorganisms).

The lecture was delivered by Dr. Ayoub Ali Hussein,and was attended by a group of teachers, technicians, and college students.

The course dealt with:

  1. Introduction to special stains and their difference from routine textile dyes and their classification of special stains.
  2. Staining of carbohydrates and starches within tissues and cells using PAS, Mucicarmine, iodine staining for glycogen, and enzyme digestion techniques.
  3. The use of special dyes to show the fats and amino acids by the method of Oil Red O and Sudan Black B
  4. Demonstration of muscle striations by Heidenhain’s iron hematoxylin and Mallory’s phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin
  5. Staining of microorganisms with vital dyes.

The course demonstrated the importance of special dyes in making the parts of cells or tissues more visible, which in turn facilitates the diagnosis of some pathological conditions such as abnormal secretions and some cancerous tumors.

The course aimed to acquaint faculty members, technicians, and staff working in hospital laboratories with the importance of special dyes for tissues, laboratory models and their types, other advanced techniques and methods of preparing and distinguishing those dyes to enhance the contrast of tissues.

The course came out with several conclusions, including the role of special dyes for tissues and microbiology in the advanced diagnosis of some pathological conditions that cannot be diagnosed with routine dyes or some general laboratory tests.

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