Northern Technical University organizes an electronic workshop entitled (The Role of Women Empowerment and Inner Peace)
Northern Technical University in the vicinity of Nineveh University
Northern Technical University organizes an electronic workshop entitled (The Role of Women Empowerment and Inner Peace)
Northern Technical University in the vicinity of Nineveh University
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The Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk holds a workshop entitled (Areas of sustainable development)

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College in Kirkuk, Prof. Dr. (Mohammed Yawuz Nooruddeen), the Quality Assurance and University Performance Division organized a workshop entitled (Areas of Sustainable Development)

The lecture was delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Hero Muhammad Obaid and was attended by the Dean of the College, the Head of the Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, and a number of faculty and staff members of the College. The workshop dealt with:

Sustainable development, which is the process of developing land, cities, communities, and businesses, provided that they meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, as the world faces the danger of environmental degradation that must be overcome without abandoning the needs of economic development as well as equality and social justice.

The workshop aimed at talking about sustainable development goals for economic growth, innovation, and improving living conditions for all individuals without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the endurance of the planet. Sustainable development takes place in three main areas: economic growth, conservation of natural resources and the environment, and social development.

One of the most important challenges facing sustainable development is the eradication of poverty, by encouraging the adoption of balanced production and consumption patterns.

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