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A technical master’s thesis at the Northern Technical University discusses “the accumulation of knowledge among administrative leaders and its implications for adopting human resources management practices.”
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Northern Technical University organizes a field exercise in cooperation with the Directorate of Civil Defense / Nineveh…
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A technical master’s thesis at the Northern Technical University discusses “the accumulation of knowledge among administrative leaders and its implications for adopting human resources management practices.”
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Northern Technical University organizes a field exercise in cooperation with the Directorate of Civil Defense / Nineveh…
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The Central Productive Activities Committee at the Presidency of Northern Technical University holds its regular meeting…

The President of Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, chaired a regular meeting of the Central Productive Activities Committee in the presidency of the university, in the presence of vice President for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rafi Mahmood, and vice President for Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Thanoon Younis Thanoon. The meeting also included the directors of departments (administrative and financial affairs – internal control and auditing – scientific affairs – and legal affairs), and the official of the university secretariat division.
During the meeting, the minutes of advisory and scientific offices in the university’s colleges and institutes were discussed, and the necessary decisions were taken by the applicable laws.

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