The President of the Northern Technical University participates in the fifth session of the University Presidents Forum
The President of the Northern Technical University holds a meeting with the deans of the university’s institutes, the Nineveh site
The President of the Northern Technical University participates in the fifth session of the University Presidents Forum
The President of the Northern Technical University holds a meeting with the deans of the university’s institutes, the Nineveh site
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The Central Production Activities Committee holds its periodic meeting…

The President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, chaired a periodic meeting of the Central Production Activities Committee in the presidency of our university. In the presence of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Omar Rafi Mahmoud, and the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Thanoon Younes Thanoon. The meeting also included the heads of the departments (Administrative and Financial Affairs – Control and Internal Audit – Scientific Affairs), and the official of the University Secretariat Division.
During the meeting, the minutes of the advisory and scientific offices in the university’s colleges and institutes were discussed, and the necessary decisions were taken in accordance with the laws in force.

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