السيدة رئيسة الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في ضيافة السيد معالي وزير التخطيط .
The President of Northern Technical University Hosted by the Minister of Planning.
protecting women's rights in the workplace
Northern Technical University organizes a workshop on protecting women’s rights in the workplace. 
السيدة رئيسة الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في ضيافة السيد معالي وزير التخطيط .
The President of Northern Technical University Hosted by the Minister of Planning.
protecting women's rights in the workplace
Northern Technical University organizes a workshop on protecting women’s rights in the workplace. 
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Northern Technical University launches an initiative to gift T-shirts bearing its name to enhance its global presence.

T shirt donation initiative bearing its name to enhance its global presence.

Northern Technical University launches an initiative to gift T-shirts bearing its name to enhance its global presence.

In an innovative step aimed at strengthening the university’s identity and promoting it, especially on a global level, our Northern University has launched an initiative to gift T-shirts featuring the university’s logo and name. This idea is part of the university’s ongoing efforts to expand its academic and cultural influence and to introduce the world to its achievements and educational programs.

The T-shirt was presented to Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the President of Northern Technical University, by Assist. Lect. Samir Ahmed Mohammed, the Head of the Media and Government Communication Division at Kirkuk Technical Medical Institute, representing the Director of the Media and Government Communication Department of Northern Technical University.


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