الكلية التقنية الصحية والطبية كركوك تنظم ندوة علمية بعنوان اللقاحات ضرورة مُلحة
Kirkuk Health and Medical Technical College organizes a scientific symposium entitled “Vaccines are an urgent necessity”
الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم ورشة عمل بعنوان التفوق التسويقي في المنظمات
The Administrative Technical College organizes a workshop entitled (Marketing Excellence in Organizations)
الكلية التقنية الصحية والطبية كركوك تنظم ندوة علمية بعنوان اللقاحات ضرورة مُلحة
Kirkuk Health and Medical Technical College organizes a scientific symposium entitled “Vaccines are an urgent necessity”
الكلية التقنية الإدارية تنظم ورشة عمل بعنوان التفوق التسويقي في المنظمات
The Administrative Technical College organizes a workshop entitled (Marketing Excellence in Organizations)
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Northern Technical University celebrates the International Day of the Arabic Language

الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تحتفل باليوم العالمي للغة العربية

Under the guidance and presence of the President of NTU Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the Department of Media and public Relations at the Presidency of the University, in cooperation with the Administrative Technical College of Mosul, represented by Dr. Mahmoud Khlaif, organized an online central celebration on the occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language, today, Saturday, 18/12/2021, which was also attended by the Assistant of the President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Thanoon Youis Thanoon.

The celebration began with hearing verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the national anthem, and then the university anthem. A large group of Arab and Iraqi poets participated in this celebration. We listened to the words that the poet Nizar Jabbar Muhammad al-Kinani – residing in Iran – began with poems about the Arabic language, and a second poem entitled “Bakat Layla”, followed by the poem “Salasabeel Al-Rouh” by the Saudi poet Reham Madkhali, and the Iraqi poet Hilmi Al-Saad’s poem “Al-Nawaris wal rasas” in its splendid style. And the meanings of sincerity to our Arabic language echo in the poem of the poet Amal Khalaf from Lebanon, which combined loyalty and sincerity, as well as the poem “Aatab Al-Mohibbeen” by the Syrian poet Nahid Shabeeb.

A large number of university and Iraqi university employees participated in the ceremony. At the conclusion of the celebration, the audience praised the role of the President of the NTU , Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, for her care of the Arabic language and her constant keenness to make the occasion of the celebration of the Arabic language one of the permanent and continuous programs that the university is interested in every year.

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