IMG 20221024 135255 677 1 e1684058371241

Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering

IMG 20240129 WA0001

A brief overview of the department

The Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering Department was established in 1994 and the first class of graduates graduated in the academic year 1997-1998. In our department, the student studies various theoretical and practical lessons, 65 theoretical hours and 90 practical hours during a period of four academic years, based on the Bologna system for the first stage and the curriculum system for the other stages of study, in addition to summer training for 8 weeks during the summer vacation for the second and third levels. The graduate is awarded a Bachelor of Technology degree (B.TECH) in the specialty of medical device technology engineering, and a graduate of our department is accepted as a member of the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate and has the same rights as engineers who graduate from other specializations in engineering colleges in universities.


The vision of the Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering Department is to prepare students to be applied engineers who are knowledgeable about modern medical instrumentation techniques. Furthermore, providing an academic environment and community services that keep up with the rapid development of medical devices, as well as providing the most up-to-date study programs to keep up with the scientific departments corresponding to the Department of Medical Device Technologies Engineering in reputable Arab and international universities.


The aim of the Medical Device Technology Engineering Department is to create an educational, technical, and research environment for students through the implementation of modern educational programs and curriculum that demonstrate the significance of this specialism. Providing scientific curricula, practical laboratories, and advanced applied research to replicate the demands of the labor market, opening up to health institutions, and contributing to the improvement of the global and regional health situation

Scientific Aims

Graduate Objectives, Goals and Job Description:

• Graduating engineers with scientific and practical abilities for diagnosing and repairing faults in medical device parts.

• Preparing qualified engineers who can keep up with the rapid development in the field of medical devices and providing them with the skills essential to create and modernize medical devices.

• Installation and operation of different diagnostic and therapeutic electrical and electromechanical medical devices.

• Contribute to and supervise the calibration, maintenance, and repair of various medical devices.

• Design, development, and specific decisions—making for certain medical device parts.

• Scheduling and planning routine maintenance tasks.

Program Aim:

This department aims to graduate a practical engineer concerned with new practices in the field of medical instrumentation.

Mode and Duration of Study:

Overall study in the Department of Medical Instrumentation Techniques Engineering requires four levels (Eight Semesters). Each semester consists of 15-weeks.


This subfield of engineering is intended to prepare students for careers as “applied” engineers who are experienced in the latest developments in their areas of specialization, such as those related to medical devices. through:

  1. Installs and operates electronic and electromechanical medical instruments used for  diagnosis, surgery, and therapy.
  2. Suggests periodic maintenance tables for medical instruments.
  3. Participate in maintaining and calibrating different medical instruments.
  4. Designs, develops, and try to use suitable substitutes for faulty units in medical instruments.

Graduation Requirements:

The majority of subjects are taught exclusively in English. Students attend and teach on-campus and online courses to assist students comprehend fundamental medical device engineering principles. Each academic year is evaluated using assignments, end-of-semester exams, and a senior project at the fourth-grade level. Undergraduate students are required to complete 67 courses throughout eight semesters and four academic levels with a cumulative average of at least 60 percent.

Courses and Curriculum Structure

First Level (41) Units
Requirment Name of Subject Theortical Hours Partical Hours Number of Unit Pre-requisite Subject Code
University   Human Rights 1 0 1   NTU 100
English language 1 2 0 2   NTU 101
Computer Principles 1 1 2 2   NTU 102
Computer Principles 2 1 2 2   NTU 103
Arabic Language 2 0 2   NTU 104
Sport (Elective) 1 1 2   NTU 105
Democracy 1 0 1   NTU 106
French Language (Elective) 2 0 2   NTU 107
College Fundamental of Electrical Engineering  2 2 3   TEMO 100
Mathematics 1   3 0 3   TEMO 101
Mathematics 2   3 0 3   TEMO 102
Engineering Drawing  1 2 2   TEMO 103
Workshop 0 2 1   TEMO 104
Department Chemistry 2 2 3   MIE 100
Medical Chemistry 2 2 3   MIE 101
Physics 2 2 3   MIE 102
Medical Physics 2 2 3   MIE103
Mechanics 2 0 2   MIE 106
Electrical Circuits  2 2 3   MIE 107
Total Numbe of Units 32 21 43    
Second Level (45) Units
Requirment Name of Subject Theortical Hours Partical Hours Number of Unit Pre-requisite Subject Code
University   English language 2 2 0 2   NTU 200
Professional Ethics 2 0 2   NTU 201
College Mathematics 3 3 0 3   TEMO 200
Mathematics 4 3 0 3   TEMO 201
  Department Medical Laboratory Instrumentation 1 2 2 3   MIE 200
Medical Laboratory  Instrumentation 2 2 2 3   MIE 201
Clinical Chemistry Techniques 2 2 3   MIE 202
Clinical Chemistry Devices 2 2 3   MIE 203
Electronic Circuits 1 2 2 3   MIE 204
Electronic Circuits 2 2 2 3 MIE 204 MIE 205
Digital Logic 2 2 3   MIE 206
Digital Circuits 2 2 3   MIE 207
Computer Applications 1 1 2 2   MIE 208
Computer Applications 2 1 2 2   MIE 209
Anatomy and  Physiology 2 2 3   MIE 210
Measurements and Medical Transducers 2 2 3   MIE 211
Summer Training 1 0 2 1 MIE 212
Total Numbe of Units 32 26 45
Third Level (45) Units
Requirment Name of Subject Theortical Hours Partical Hours Number of Unit Pre-requisite Subject Code
University English Language 3 2 0 2   NTU 300
Department Medical Diagnostic Instruments 1 2 2 3   MIE 300
Medical Diagnostic Instruments 2 2 2 3   MIE 301
Medical Electronic Systems 1 2 2 3   MIE 302
Medical Electronic Systems 2 2 2 3   MIE 303
Fundamental of Communication Engineering 2 2 3   MIE 304
Medical Communication Systems 2 2 3 MIE 304 MIE 305
Signal processing 2 2 3   MIE 306
Digital Signal processing 2 2 3   MIE 307
Power Electronics 2 2 3   MIE 308
Electrical Technology 2 2 3   MIE 309
Computer Engineering 3 1 2 2   MIE 310
Computer Engineering 4 1 2 2   MIE 311
Microprocessors 2 2 3   MIE 312
Microprocessors 2 2 3 MIE 312 MIE 313
Summer Training 2 0 2 1   MIE 314
Total Numbe of Units 28 30 43        
Forth Level (45) Units
Requirment Name of Subject Theortical Hours Partical Hours Number of Unit Pre-requisite Subject Code
University   English Language 4 2 0 2 NTU 400
Research Methodology 2 0 2   NTU 410
College Management 2 0 2   TEMO 400
Project 1 0 2 1   TEMO 401
Project 2 0 2 1 TEMO 401 TEMO 402
Department Medical Therapeutic Instruments 1 2 2 3   MIE 400
Medical Therapeutic Instruments 2 2 2 3   MIE 401
Fundamental of Laser Engineering 2 2 3   MIE 402
Medical Laser System 2 2 3   MIE 403
Fundamental of Control Engineering 2 2 3   MIE 404
Control Systems 2 2 3 MIE 404 MIE 405
Computer Applications 5 1 2 2   MIE 406
Microcontrollers 1 2 2   MIE 407
Basics of Radiation 2 2 3   MIE 408
Engineering of Medical Radiation Instruments 2 2 3   MIE 409
Digital Image Processing 2 2 3   MIE 410
Selective Topic 2 2 3   MIE 411
Total Numbe of Units 28 28 42    
Department Statistics
Education Institution
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate students
IMG 20231207 WA0009
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