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Mosul Technical Engineering College

The Vision

Building a technical (higher education) system with a renewed academic and applied framework, the quality of this system is the responsibility of everyone. Based on meeting the needs of the labor market according to the movement of the external environment of the college through which the college rises to the ranks of international scientific institutions.

The message

Providing high-quality technical education, by keeping pace with the rapid technological developments, responds to the necessities of curricula change to lay the foundations of human development. Graduates acquire skills and experiences that meet the market needs by adopting a quality assurance and commitment of the target return from the learning process.


Preparing technical staff with different educational levels (Bachelor and Master) who are scientifically and practically qualified to deal with modern technologies and practice work upon graduation due to their prior interaction with the work environment.

Completing the vertical construction of the existing engineering majors by adding (higher diploma and doctorate) programs in the college’s postgraduate studies.

Reinforcing the horizontal construction of engineering majors in the college by adding engineering majors, other than those currently existing, in order to achieve horizontal integration.

Expanding education and training through openness to society and its institutions to ensure the preparation of a generation of educated youth who can work in different sectors of the market.

Openness to local, Arab and international scientific institutions to keep pace with scientific and technical developments outside the college, through the exchange of information and experiences.

Develop a partnership from the public and private sectors through the involvement of external members in making important decisions in the College Council.

Scientific departments in Technical Engineering College Mosul and its establishment