السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تفتتح مرآباً للسيارات في المعهد التقني كركوك .
The Northern Technical University President opens a car garage at the Technical Institute of Kirkuk…
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السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تفتتح مرآباً للسيارات في المعهد التقني كركوك .
The Northern Technical University President opens a car garage at the Technical Institute of Kirkuk…
Mosul Technical Institute organizes a scientific course entitled “Basic Concepts on Strategic Management”
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For the second day in a row, the activities of the Cyber Security Forum – Risks and Threats and the University’s Role in Finding Solutions…

لليوم الثاني والاخير على التوالي استمرار فعاليات ملتقى الامن السيبراني المخاطر والتهديدات ودور الجامعة في ايجاد الحلول .

In the presence of the Governor of Kirkuk, Mr. Rakan Saeed Al-Jubouri, the President of the Northern Technical University, Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and ladies and gentlemen of all members of the University Council, the activities of the second day of the Cybersecurity Forum – Risks and Threats and the University’s Role in Finding Solutions continued.
These activities were organized by the Computer Engineering Technologies Department, in cooperation with the Media and Public Relations Division of the Technical Engineering College of Kirkuk. The activities of the second day included playing the national anthem and reading Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of our righteous martyrs, followed by a speech by the President of the University in which she confirmed that the creation of the Department of Cybersecurity Technologies Engineering came within the development plans Upgrading and keeping pace with global progress.
She called for cooperation between government institutions and the private sector in protecting information and data, followed by the speech of the Governor of Kirkuk. Then, during the forum, lectures, interventions, and information were presented on practices and techniques that aim to protect electronic devices, networks, and computer systems. (Building a cybersecurity strategy for the institution and its main types) and a distinguished workshop for students presented by Dr. Hassan Karim Abdel Rahman, Director of the Cybersecurity Academy at the university (about global penetrations). An introductory lecture at the Cybersecurity Academy EC-COUNCIL at the Northern Technical University. Educational and educational, including the Northern Technical University. Directed to give importance within the 2023 budget. The forum came out with several recommendations, including:
Developing a document of cyber security guidelines for employees in the organization
Holding courses, educational seminars, and workshops in cybersecurity for employees and students
•Printing and distributing brochures and pamphlets on how to preserve the information and personal data of individuals
Develop a plan to deal with threats and penetrations
Providing reliable protection systems for all devices in the university
Developing employees periodically in everything related to cyber security and the latest global updates
Ensuring the application of all protection mechanisms for data and devices. In her turn, the President of the University praised the great efforts made by those in charge of the success of the forum, wishing them more scientific brilliance.

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