398117060 850875850162144 7819511564156880885 n
The College of Agricultural Technology concludes the table tennis tournament for its members
398296394 850761356840260 3398786330935545839 n
The Agricultural Technical College organizes a seminar on crop storage methods
398117060 850875850162144 7819511564156880885 n
The College of Agricultural Technology concludes the table tennis tournament for its members
398296394 850761356840260 3398786330935545839 n
The Agricultural Technical College organizes a seminar on crop storage methods
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Follow up and treat disease cases in animal fields

398133940 850690773513985 9179891824420761609 n

Follow up and treat disease cases in animal fields.
Under the guidance of the Dean of the College of Agricultural Technology, Professor Dr. Shihab Ahmed Al-Bajari, and under the supervision and guidance of the Head of the Department of Animal Production Technologies, Mr. M.M. Muhammad Aziz, accompanied by Mr. Animal Fields Officer and Gentlemen Fields Employees, performed an operation to remove an abscess from the lower jaw of one of the ewes in the animal fields.

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