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Rehabilitation and Employment Division

Description of the work of the Rehabilitation and Employment Division:
The Division of Rehabilitation and Employment at the College of Engineering Technology / Mosul is considered a vital part of the university’s infrastructure, as this division is committed to developing and improving the skills and abilities of students and directing them toward achieving their career success in technical fields and advanced technology.

Division objectives:
The Rehabilitation and Employment Division aims to develop students’ skills and enhance their scientific and applied capabilities in various fields related to modern technologies. The department also seeks to provide students with the necessary knowledge and experiences to achieve excellence in the labor market, whether they seek to work in government institutions, or private companies, or even to establish their projects.

Services provided:
Workshops and training courses: The division offers workshops and training courses that include modern techniques in engineering techniques, and engineering project management.

Career Guidance:
The Division provides career counseling services to students, directing them toward choosing the appropriate field and understanding the labor market needs.

Recruitment and marketing for graduates:
The Division works to build partnerships with companies and technical institutions in various fields to facilitate employment processes for graduates, by organizing recruitment events and orientation workshops.

Career support:
The Division supports and assists students and graduates in preparing CVs, reviewing personal skills, and improving interview skills.