السيد معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يكرم السيد معاون مدير قسم الشؤون
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research honours the Assistant Director of Legal Affairs at the Presidency of our Northern Technical University
لجنة الفعاليات الانتاجية المركزية تعقد اجتماعها الدوري
“Central Productivity Events Committee Holds Its Regular Meeting”
السيد معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يكرم السيد معاون مدير قسم الشؤون
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research honours the Assistant Director of Legal Affairs at the Presidency of our Northern Technical University
لجنة الفعاليات الانتاجية المركزية تعقد اجتماعها الدوري
“Central Productivity Events Committee Holds Its Regular Meeting”
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Campaign of illegal migration risks.

حملة مخاطر الهجرة غير الشرعية.5

As per the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and under the guidance of the President of Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Aliaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the Department of Media and Government Communication at the University Presidency organized a campaign to distribute brochures and informative posters about the risks of illegal migration in the university corridors.

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