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A female teacher at the Technical Institute holds a doctorate in public law.

Shaima Ibrahim Taha, a teacher at the Technical Institute of Al-Dawr, received a doctorate for her thesis tagged (criminal protection for digital human rights) in the field of public/criminal law.
The discussion took place at the University of Tikrit College of Law.
Its extract was (in the past, private life was limited to physical privacy and the prevention of assault on personal property, and with the invasion of technology, the term evolved into moral or (digital) privacy, with which new concepts such as the privacy of digital data and the privacy of digital communications and communications via e-mail and social media are linked, and according to these Digital changes and developments have helped to enter the digital age and the emergence of another type of rights called digital rights, and the issue of digital human rights is recent from the beginning of information network services – the Internet – and its dissemination to become global rights, meaning that its inception dates back to the enormous openness of the digital revolution, which was one of its most prominent features using the Modern technology such as computers, modern devices, smart phones and surveillance cameras in all areas of life, and that the main source of digital rights is the response to the digital challenges experienced by society according to the requirements of the digital environment, and digital rights are human rights that are applied in the digital environment, and allow the use of digital technology and the Internet freely and in a safe way There are many types of digital rights For example, the human right to obtain correct information, the right to access the Internet, the right to digital sound and image, the human right to personal data, the right to have this data entered into digital limbo, and freedom of digital expression)
The thesis was approved with distinction. Bless her for obtaining the certificate, praying to God for her success.

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