IMG 20230519 WA0031
Students of Al-Hawija Technical Institute embarked on a scientific visit to Life Limited Beverage Company in Erbil
IMG 20230519 WA0036
A blood donation campaign for thalassemia patients at the Nineveh Technical Institute
IMG 20230519 WA0031
Students of Al-Hawija Technical Institute embarked on a scientific visit to Life Limited Beverage Company in Erbil
IMG 20230519 WA0036
A blood donation campaign for thalassemia patients at the Nineveh Technical Institute
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Under the patronage of Dr. Aliya Abbas Al-Attar, the President of Northern Technical University, and under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Yawaz Nouraldin, the Dean of Kirkuk College of Health and Medical Technology, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit organized a discussion session for first-year students entitled “The Effects of Drugs on Society, Family, and Individuals, and Methods of Prevention.”

Participants in the discussion session:

Assistant Professor Ragheed Khorshid Namik, Head of the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit.
Assistant Professor Hassana Saleh Khalaf, Lecturer.
The session was attended by a group of first-year students from the Department of Therapeutic Nutrition Techniques, Industrial College Techniques, and Medical Laboratories Techniques.

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