السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية عنواناً للإبداع والتألق وشعلة من العطاء الدائم...
The President of the Northern Technical University, a title for creativity and brilliance and a torch of permanent giving…
برعاية السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية الأستاذ الدكتورة علياء عباس العطار وامتداداً للحملة
Afforestation and planting campaign of the Deanship building and scientific departments in the Administrative Technical College
السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية عنواناً للإبداع والتألق وشعلة من العطاء الدائم...
The President of the Northern Technical University, a title for creativity and brilliance and a torch of permanent giving…
برعاية السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية الأستاذ الدكتورة علياء عباس العطار وامتداداً للحملة
Afforestation and planting campaign of the Deanship building and scientific departments in the Administrative Technical College
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The Technical Institute / Kirkuk organizes a scientific workshop within the sustainable development program entitled “Reducing the consumption of electrical energy in buildings”

المعهد التقني ركوك ينظم ورشة علمية ضمن برنامج التنمية المستدامة بعنوان تقليل استهلاك

Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Presidency of the Northern Technical University – in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Division and the Civil Technologies Department at the Institute – organized a scientific workshop entitled “Reducing the consumption of electrical energy in buildings” and gave a lecture in it Both gentlemen:

  • Instructor Ayoub Essam Kamal
  • Teacher Abbas Bahaa El-Din Nouri

This workshop dealt with ways to rationalize the consumption of electrical energy.

The workshop showed the optimal use of the available electrical energy resources necessary for the operation of the facility without compromising the comfort or productivity of its users or compromising the efficiency of the devices and equipment used in it or its production.

The workshop aimed to:

  • Methods of rationalizing electrical energy consumption
  • Reducing the consumption bill.
  • Avoid excessive energy consumption.
  • Active participation with the company to ensure the continuation of the electrical service with the required efficiency by reducing the excess loads on the power stations and networks.

The workshop came out with several recommendations, including:

  • Increasing campaigns to rationalize energy consumption, which contributes to raising societal awareness.
  • Converting lighting to LED, which saves energy by a large percentage, sometimes up to 80 percent, and has a long life.
  • Installation of motion sensors that automatically turn off the lights.
  • Exploiting solar and wind energy in lighting and electrical appliances instead of generators.
  • Increasing green spaces to make the living environment suitable.
  • The use of insulators during the construction of buildings.
  • Government support for the purchase of energy-saving electrical appliances.

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