الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تشارك في جلسة حوارية أقيمت بالتعاون مع اللجنة
Northern Technical University participates in a dialogue session held – in cooperation with the Ministerial Committee for Culture – with the aim of promoting the concepts of e-governance …
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The College of Agricultural Technology – Mosul discusses “purifying some natural product compounds from the leaves of Lantana Camara L. and studying their antioxidant effectiveness and biological effects against some pathogenic bacteria.”
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تشارك في جلسة حوارية أقيمت بالتعاون مع اللجنة
Northern Technical University participates in a dialogue session held – in cooperation with the Ministerial Committee for Culture – with the aim of promoting the concepts of e-governance …
456865432 1026481212601606 4569936404621386978 n
The College of Agricultural Technology – Mosul discusses “purifying some natural product compounds from the leaves of Lantana Camara L. and studying their antioxidant effectiveness and biological effects against some pathogenic bacteria.”
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The President of the Northern Technical University holds a first meeting with the committees for holding the Third International Conference on Renewable Energy Research.

السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تعقد اجتماعاً اولياً باللجان الخاصة باقامة المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لبحوث الطاقات المتجددة

The President of the Northern Technical University holds a first meeting with the committees for holding the Third International Conference on Renewable Energy Research.

As part of the continuous follow-up of the data on the progress of the university’s work and activities in our governorate, on Tuesday, the President of the Northern International University, Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and in the presence of the Assistant President of the University, Scientific Officer, Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rafeh Mahmoud, held an initial meeting with the committees for holding the Third International Conference on Scientific Energy Research in person for members within the Kirkuk site and electronically for members from the Nineveh and Salahuddin sites during the discussion meeting, where the goal of not organizing the conference, which is scheduled to be held in April 2025, is determined.


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