Northern Technical University celebrates the graduation of its students for the academic year 2021-2022
Pictures of a side of the first stage students in their new academic year…
Northern Technical University celebrates the graduation of its students for the academic year 2021-2022
Pictures of a side of the first stage students in their new academic year…
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The President of the Northern Technical University congratulates the students on the first stage of the new academic year

On behalf of the Northern Technical University family, we congratulate our students from the first academic stage on the start of their first academic year at the university, in which our educational institutions regain their full attendance performance, and we draw from it additional momentum in caring for students as one of the most important pillars of the educational process, enabling them to achieve academic achievement, and intensifying care for this important segment. Our dear first-year students, we are happy to receive you on your first day at our university, which will provide you with all the means for knowledge, because it is a great scientific edifice that will help you in your academic journey.
You are the future generation that Northern Technical University will be proud of, and the teaching staff will help and support you in achieving your ambitions. Welcome to your university, and based on our academic and legal responsibilities, our university aspires to reach a high-quality educational environment by applying institutional and program accreditation standards in terms of governance, management, resources, students, faculty members, curricula, and scientific research. It is exclusively responsible for evaluating the outputs and measuring their indicators scientifically. Objectively, it guarantees meeting the needs of the market and serving the community. We call on the departments and teaching staff to integrate and work in a team spirit, wishing a blessed academic year for our dear students and lasting success for all.

Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar
President of the Northern Technical University

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