السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تستقبل مدير ثانوية الموهوبين .
The President of the Northern Technical University welcomes the Director of the Gifted Secondary School.
وزير التعليم يعلن قبول (152,782) طالبا ضمن قنوات القبول المركزي
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السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تستقبل مدير ثانوية الموهوبين .
The President of the Northern Technical University welcomes the Director of the Gifted Secondary School.
وزير التعليم يعلن قبول (152,782) طالبا ضمن قنوات القبول المركزي
Minister of Education announces the acceptance of (152,782) students through the central admission channels…
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The President of the Northern Technical University attends part of the Second Electronic Governance Conference.

السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تحضر جانباً من فعاليات مؤتمر الحوكمة الالكترونية الثاني6

The President of the Northern Technical University attends part of the Second Electronic Governance Conference.

Professor Dr. Aliyah Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the esteemed President of the Northern Technical University, made a distinguished appearance at the second conference on “Electronic Governance” for Nineveh Governorate. The event was held under the patronage of the Honorable Minister of Culture and Antiquities, with active participation from our university’s governance team, hosted at the Mosul University Theatre.

The conference began with the national anthem, followed by a recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, and speeches by the Honorable Minister and the President of Nineveh University, who co-sponsored the Electronic Governance 2024 conference alongside the Ministry of Communications and Nineveh Governorate.

The conference focused on discussing the latest developments and challenges facing the implementation of electronic governance in academic and administrative institutions, as well as determining optimal strategies to achieve transparency and efficiency in management. It aimed to highlight electronic governance as a tool for developing provincial services and enhancing communication between government agencies and citizens, facilitating the services provided by each department.

The President emphasized the importance of digital transformation in promoting good governance within universities and state institutions, asserting that electronic governance is an effective tool for improving administrative performance and ensuring higher quality and faster service delivery. She also announced that the next electronic governance conference in Nineveh Governorate will be sponsored by the Northern Technical University, given the significance of this vital field in serving the community.

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