قسم التقنيات الالكترونية في المعهد التقني الموصل يحصل على المركز الاول في بطولة كأس السيدة عميد المعهد التقني الموصل للعام الدراسي2021 2022
The Department of Electronic Technologies at the Mosul Technical Institute wins first place in the Dean’s Cup Championship for the Mosul Technical Institute for the academic year 2021-2022
الكلية التقنية الإدارية وبالتعاون مع الجامعة التكنلوجية الماليزية تنظم ورشة عمل IEEE FOR TECHNOLOGY HUMANITY
The Administrative Technical College, in cooperation with the University of Technology Malaysia, organizes a workshop entitled “IEEE FOR TECHNOLOGY & HUMANITY”
قسم التقنيات الالكترونية في المعهد التقني الموصل يحصل على المركز الاول في بطولة كأس السيدة عميد المعهد التقني الموصل للعام الدراسي2021 2022
The Department of Electronic Technologies at the Mosul Technical Institute wins first place in the Dean’s Cup Championship for the Mosul Technical Institute for the academic year 2021-2022
الكلية التقنية الإدارية وبالتعاون مع الجامعة التكنلوجية الماليزية تنظم ورشة عمل IEEE FOR TECHNOLOGY HUMANITY
The Administrative Technical College, in cooperation with the University of Technology Malaysia, organizes a workshop entitled “IEEE FOR TECHNOLOGY & HUMANITY”
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The Cultural House in Kirkuk presents the College of Health and Medical Technology / Kirkuk with a collection of cultural books

البيت الثقافي في كركوك يهدي الكلية التقنية الصحية كركوك مجموعة من الكتب الثقافية

Within the mechanism of cooperation between cultural and scientific institutions, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yawuz Noor El-Deen, Dean of the Health and Medical Technical College/ Kirkuk, received Mr. Ammar Hashem Abdul Moneim, Organizations Officer in the Cultural House/ Kirkuk, one of the formations of the Department of Public Cultural Relations in the Ministry of Culture. During the meeting, which was also attended by Dr. Raed Mujbil Abdullah, the Administrative and Financial Associate Dean, discussed ways to develop the cultural talents of our dear students in their spare time by enhancing cultural and literary reading and other artistic fields.

The Dean expressed his thanks for this gift, which indicates the support and enrichment of scientific institutions with all cultural capabilities and expressed his readiness to work together and facilitate everything that harnesses cooperation with the other within the framework of scientific culture and looking forward to the new future horizons for the benefit of society.

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