عودة مباركة للحياة من موقع الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في النمرود1
Blessed return to life from the location of Northern Technical University in Nimrud.
IMG 4542 scaled
“The Agricultural Technical College hosts a workshop on understanding and preventing suicide.”
عودة مباركة للحياة من موقع الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في النمرود1
Blessed return to life from the location of Northern Technical University in Nimrud.
IMG 4542 scaled
“The Agricultural Technical College hosts a workshop on understanding and preventing suicide.”
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The Committee for Supporting dormitories held its regular meeting.

لجنة ادارة دعم الاقسام الداخلية تعقد اجتماعها الدوري

The Committee for Supporting dormitories held its regular meeting.

Dr. Aliaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, the President of Northern Technical University, chaired a periodic meeting of the committee managing the support fund for dormitories . The meeting was attended by Dr. Thanoon Younis Thanoon, the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, along with the directors of the Department of Constructions and Projects, dormitories Affairs Department, Legal Affairs Department, Financial and Administrative Affairs Department, as well as the Audit and Internal Control Department at the University Presidency. The meeting focused on the needs of dormitories for staff, furniture, rehabilitation, and maintenance of internal department sites within the university’s structures. Most of these needs were met according to the prepared lists based on the applicable instructions in force.

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