الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في زيارة الى جامعة غينت البلجيكية
Academic team from Northern Technical University visited the Belgian University of Ghent Ghent university / Faculty of engineering and architecture.
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Northern Technical University concludes the hosting of the Iraqi public and private universities’ championship for the northern region of futsal…
الجامعة التقنية الشمالية في زيارة الى جامعة غينت البلجيكية
Academic team from Northern Technical University visited the Belgian University of Ghent Ghent university / Faculty of engineering and architecture.
IMG 20231129 WA0050
Northern Technical University concludes the hosting of the Iraqi public and private universities’ championship for the northern region of futsal…
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Students from the Northern Technical University – College of Agricultural Technology, Mosul, on a scientific visit to the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Dohuk.

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Students from the Northern Technical University – College of Agricultural Technology, Mosul, on a scientific visit to the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Dohuk.
Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Agricultural Technology, Professor Dr. Shihab Ahmed Al-Bajari,
As part of a series of scientific visits for students of the College of Agricultural Technology, a teaching staff and postgraduate students visited the Department of Plant Production Technologies, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Dohuk,
Objective of the visit:
To view the various practical laboratories, including the computer laboratory, the wood technology laboratory, the plant physiology laboratory, the herbarium, and the tissue culture laboratory, as well as greenhouses and the hydroponic system.

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