Northern Technical University organizes an educational seminar on media monitoring and its important role in media work.
Northern Technical University organizes an educational seminar on media monitoring and its important role in media work.
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Northern Technical University organizes an educational seminar on media monitoring and its important role in media work.
Northern Technical University organizes an educational seminar on media monitoring and its important role in media work.
World University Debate Championship
The Northern Technical University Honors Its Team Participating in the University Debating Championship. 
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Northern Technical University organizes a workshop entitled “Research perfection Program at Northern Technical University”. 

برنامج التمييز البحثي في الجامعة التقنية الشمالية

Northern Technical University organizes a workshop entitled “Research perfection Program at Northern Technical University”.

Under the patronage of the President of Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rafea Mahmood, the Scientific Affairs Department at the Renewable Energy Research Center organized an educational workshop entitled “Research perfection Program at Northern Technical University” as a continuation of the workshops dedicated to developing the research capabilities of the teaching staff at our university.
The lecture was given by Lecturer Dr. Ali Qasim Saeed / Scientific Affairs Department.
The workshop covered:-
1. A detailed presentation of global containers and academic publishing houses.
2. Defining the importance of the five academic accounts for researchers, how to create them, and their importance in raising the h-index factor.
3. Dealing with search engines in Scopus and Web of Science, and how to find appropriate research and sort it in a manner consistent with the required specialization.
4. Explaining the mechanism for finding appropriate academic journals for completed research and methods for analyzing and studying them before submitting them, in addition to methods for discovering predatory journals and publishing houses.
5. A detailed explanation of the Mendeley resource management program and how to use it.
6. Defining artificial intelligence and explaining many artificial intelligence tools used in writing and rephrasing research.
7. Mechanism for writing statistical research bibliometric analysis using visualization apps within 7 days.
The workshop was attended by members of the Renewable Energy Research Center in Kirkuk.


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