Program Aim

The aim of department program is to graduate technical nursing staff capable of providing nursing care for the individual, family and community under the supervision of the physicians and to raise the scientific, cognitive and skill level of the nurse through distinguished teaching of the nursing staff to adapt with the variables of community conditions, and provide integrated health care for the individual, family and society, with the commitment to the high responsibility to contribute to build the modern civilization of Iraq, achieving its progress and prosperity and improving the level of medical and health sciences, developing skills and competencies to serve medical and health specialties, raising the level of health, developing health services in the society, and providing health institutions with a high level of scientific and practical competencies in the fields of development, which actively associated with the provision of health and nursing services at the three levels (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) that meet the needs of the community and serve the public interest.
Nursing Techniques Department include two branches (Nursing techniques / Nursing) and (Nursing techniques/ First Aid).