425004141 913587287224333 7873788830730392761 n
Discussing a doctoral thesis for a teacher from our college.
في خطوة مهمة نحو تعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي في مجال الذكاء الاصطناع2
In an important step towards enhancing academic and research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, a delegation from the Northern Technical University paid a visit to Al mustaqbal Center for Industrial Intelligence Applications at Al mutaqbal University of Babylon.
425004141 913587287224333 7873788830730392761 n
Discussing a doctoral thesis for a teacher from our college.
في خطوة مهمة نحو تعزيز التعاون الأكاديمي والبحثي في مجال الذكاء الاصطناع2
In an important step towards enhancing academic and research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, a delegation from the Northern Technical University paid a visit to Al mustaqbal Center for Industrial Intelligence Applications at Al mutaqbal University of Babylon.
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Participation in Sustainability Week on the ground of Al-Mustaqbal University in Babylon.

بالصور جانب اخر من تميز جامعتنا بالمشاركة في اسبوع الاستدامة

Participation in Sustainability Week on the ground of Al-Mustaqbal University in Babylon.

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