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2021-11-02Northern Technical University organizes a workshop on the art of etiquette
Under the guidance and patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, the Department of Media and Public Relations at the Presidency of our university – in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education – organized a workshop on the art of etiquette: its concept, rules, and the most important methods of dealing with it. The workshop was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs Prof. Dr. Thanoun Younes Thanoun on behalf of the President of the University.
The workshop covered several topics, including:
- The first axis: the origin of the word etiquette
- The second axis: its concept, rules, and the most important methods of dealing with it.
- The third axis: the difference between etiquette and morals
- Fourth axis: the meaning of etiquette and protocol
- Fifth axis: speech etiquette
The lecture was delivered by:
The trainer who specialized in the arts of etiquette and protocol, Mr. Majdy Wa’ad Abdul Hadi.
A number of university employees participated in the workshop.
At the conclusion of the workshop, the Assistant President of the University for Administrative and Financial Affairs presented a certificate of appreciation to the lecturer of the workshop, which lasted for two days, and the workshop concluded by distributing certificates to the participants.