نقابة المهندسين فرع نينوى تكرم طلبة جامعتنا الاوائل في الكلية التقنية الهندسية الموصل .
The Engineers Association, Nineveh Branch, honor our top university students in the Engineering Technical College, Mosul
رسالة الماجستير في الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تبحث دراسة عملية لتحسين أداء مُقطر شَمسي بإستخدام المجمَّعات الشمسية
Master’s thesis at the Northern Technical University looking for (a practical study to improve the performance of a solar distiller using solar collectors)
نقابة المهندسين فرع نينوى تكرم طلبة جامعتنا الاوائل في الكلية التقنية الهندسية الموصل .
The Engineers Association, Nineveh Branch, honor our top university students in the Engineering Technical College, Mosul
رسالة الماجستير في الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تبحث دراسة عملية لتحسين أداء مُقطر شَمسي بإستخدام المجمَّعات الشمسية
Master’s thesis at the Northern Technical University looking for (a practical study to improve the performance of a solar distiller using solar collectors)
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Northern Technical University organizes a scientific workshop entitled “Strategies to Promote Scientific Research at the University”

الجامعة التقنية الشمالية تنظم ورشة علمية بعنوان استراتيجيات تعزيز البحث العلمي في الجامعة.

Under the auspices of the President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Ali Al-Attar, and the supervision and presence of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rafi Mahmoud, and as a continuation of the approach of the Northern Technical University in developing the skills of teaching staff in research and scientific publishing in the global sober capacities, and to improve the reality of scientific research in our university As one of the requirements of international classifications and overcoming obstacles and benefiting from those with scientific expertise in the university, the Department of Scientific Affairs at the Technical University organized the scientific workshop tagged “Strategies to Promote Scientific Research at the Northern Technical University.” Assistant Professor Dr. Our university is one of the first researchers locally and globally.
The workshop dealt with the following:-
Strategies to promote scientific research and ways to improve the research reality in our university and the forefront of Iraqi universities in international rankings.
The workshop was attended by the Dean of the Administrative Technical College, the assistant deans for scientific affairs in the Nineveh formations, the heads of the scientific departments, the newly appointed teachers at our university, and several teachers within the various university formations.

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