The Agricultural Technical College celebrates International Women’s Day.
The President of Northern Technical University holds a meeting with the directors of the offices for the university’s formations….
2024-03-11Northern Technical University organizes a legal workshop entitled: (Medical examination in marriage)
Northern Technical University organizes a legal workshop entitled:
(Medical examination in marriage)
Under the patronage of the President of Northern Technical University and under the supervision of the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, the Legal Affairs Department organized a legal workshop in cooperation with the Technical Center for Research entitled:
(Medical examination in marriage)
In the hall of the Technical Research Center..
Workers in the divisions and units at the Presidency of Northern Technical University / Nineveh Governorate participated in the workshop.
The workshop, which was delivered by Dr. Abdul Majeed Muhammad Hamoodi, Director of the Legal Affairs Department at the Presidency of Northern Technical University, dealt with the concept of conducting a medical examination in marriage, its importance, and an explanation of the jurisprudential and legal position on its requirement as part of the formal conditions for marriage contract before the competent courts.