بطولة الطائرة للبنات (26)
A glimpse of the activities from the second day of the Iraqi Universities Volleyball Championship for girls in the northern region.
ورشة توعوية حول مخاطر الهجرة غير الشرعية (4)
Northern Technical University organizes an awareness workshop on the dangers of illegal immigration.
بطولة الطائرة للبنات (26)
A glimpse of the activities from the second day of the Iraqi Universities Volleyball Championship for girls in the northern region.
ورشة توعوية حول مخاطر الهجرة غير الشرعية (4)
Northern Technical University organizes an awareness workshop on the dangers of illegal immigration.
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Northern Technical University organizes a large campaign to reduce illegal immigration.

حملة واسعة للحد من الهجرة الغير شريعة (9)

Northern Technical University organizes a large campaign to reduce illegal immigration.


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